Saturday, June 6, 2009

Logan + Real Food= Mess

Logan had his second encounter with "real food" last night. We tried the rice cereal for the first time about two weeks ago with very little success. Last night, we decided to mix a little banana baby food with the rice and breast milk. This time, Logan lapped it up like a little puppy. Thanks for the tip, Grandma!

Photography Class Pics

Yesterday, Meredith and I had our first photgraphy class with
Grethel. Amanda also joined us and we learned lots of photograhpy terms and a little about how to apply those to use with our cameras. Needless to say, Meredith and I both were a "little" confused once we had to actually start taking pictures. Here are a few that I took, which aren't very good. Our homework before next week's class is to "play" with our cameras using the new terms discussed. Boy, do I have a lot of work to do!

Memorial Day Weekend at Megan's

Memorial Day Weekend, we were invited to Megan's house for a cookout. Meredith brought Jack to play with Megan's son, Drew. Little did they know that we like to play just as much as they do. Meredith even stole the machine nerf gun away and nailed Jack with the bulltes. We also ate lots of great food and had a great time.

Amie's Shower

At the end of May, Christa had a lingerie shower for my friend, Amie. It turned out fabulous and I believe that Christa missed her calling as a caterer. Amie received many beautiful gifts and a lot of fun ones as well.

It's been awhile...

During the school year, I was doing so well getting posts up, but I have really slacked off since I have been home. It was always so easy to post at school, because I could set the pics to upload as soon as I got to work and then I would post while I was eating lunch/pumping (which requires me to be plugged in and stationary for about twenty minutes). Anwyays, now that I am home for summer (yay!!!), I don't pump anymore so it's been hard to find time to post. Truth be told, I have only gotten online twice since summer started. :)
So, I have several posts to share this time so bare with me. I am hoping that now that I am somewhat caught up with housework that I will be able to post while he naps. Here's to more posting and long naps. Good luck!