Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Congratulations Vanda and Jean!!!

Chris's cousin, Vanda, got married about two weeks ago to a wonderful man named Jean. They had a very intimate wedding in Jasper and last weekend, they had a wedding reception at their home for all of their friends and family. Here are a few pics from the awesome night! Thanks to Tim Warren for making the wedding cake and to all of Vanda's family for helping out with preparing the food. Also, my very talented sister in law did the flowers and I must say they were perfect!
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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Logan + Real Food= Mess

Logan had his second encounter with "real food" last night. We tried the rice cereal for the first time about two weeks ago with very little success. Last night, we decided to mix a little banana baby food with the rice and breast milk. This time, Logan lapped it up like a little puppy. Thanks for the tip, Grandma!

Photography Class Pics

Yesterday, Meredith and I had our first photgraphy class with
Grethel. Amanda also joined us and we learned lots of photograhpy terms and a little about how to apply those to use with our cameras. Needless to say, Meredith and I both were a "little" confused once we had to actually start taking pictures. Here are a few that I took, which aren't very good. Our homework before next week's class is to "play" with our cameras using the new terms discussed. Boy, do I have a lot of work to do!

Memorial Day Weekend at Megan's

Memorial Day Weekend, we were invited to Megan's house for a cookout. Meredith brought Jack to play with Megan's son, Drew. Little did they know that we like to play just as much as they do. Meredith even stole the machine nerf gun away and nailed Jack with the bulltes. We also ate lots of great food and had a great time.

Amie's Shower

At the end of May, Christa had a lingerie shower for my friend, Amie. It turned out fabulous and I believe that Christa missed her calling as a caterer. Amie received many beautiful gifts and a lot of fun ones as well.

It's been awhile...

During the school year, I was doing so well getting posts up, but I have really slacked off since I have been home. It was always so easy to post at school, because I could set the pics to upload as soon as I got to work and then I would post while I was eating lunch/pumping (which requires me to be plugged in and stationary for about twenty minutes). Anwyays, now that I am home for summer (yay!!!), I don't pump anymore so it's been hard to find time to post. Truth be told, I have only gotten online twice since summer started. :)
So, I have several posts to share this time so bare with me. I am hoping that now that I am somewhat caught up with housework that I will be able to post while he naps. Here's to more posting and long naps. Good luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meredith's visit and baby birds

Yesterday, Meredith visited the school with her beautiful baby girl, Jane Baird. I still had my camera out in the car from Britt's graduation, so I gradded it and took a few pictures. When I was walking back out to the library, I noticed the bird's nest outside the library had little baby birds in it. I couldn't get a good picture because they are so high up, but you can see the nest pretty well.

the baby birds

My niece's graduation!

On Monday night, my niece Brittany graduated from high school. I rode up with my parents, Logan, and my sister Jennifer. We had a really good time and were all so proud of Brittany. She is planning on going to college next year to pursue a degree in business and is also thinking of going to Massage Therapy school too. We love you Brittany! Congratulations!!!
The Bice family (minus Jess) with the happy graduate.
John, Shelby, Brittany, and my sis Shelia.
Jennifer, Logan, me, and Brittany.
Three generations of R.H.S. graduates.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ethan's Superhero Birthday!

My nephew turned four last week and this past weekend was his birthday party. Ethan is obsessed with SpiderMan so Jen decided a SuperHero party was in order. Almost all of the little kids showed up in superhero costume, and even a few adults. We brought Super Diaper Baby with us (a.k.a. Logan) and had a really good time. Ethan must be very popular, because Jenn's whole house was full of kids and their parents and so was the back porch.
Ethan/Black SpiderMan playing with friends
Aunt Jess with Super Diaper Baby-Logan
the spread-junk food for all
These yummy SpiderMan cupcakes were a huge hit with the kids.
Ethans grandmothers look on happily. Pam came in all the way from Kentucky!
Christian giving the guests "the look." He would make a great teacher.